Saturday, February 20, 2010

Archetypal Psychology Psychology Homework Help!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Psychology Homework Help!!!!!!!!!!!!? - archetypal psychology

In advance, I thank you at least take the time to the questions that I can not answer read. If you have a correct answer, I am also glad that helps.


1. Ulysses, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca is the archetypal case, your return?

a) a divine punishment
b) The reunion of the hero with a loyal wife
c) the Apocalypse
d) identify the person

*** I am leaning towards option C

2. An example of the archetypal hero's adult challenge:

Darth a) increasing the war is a star power Vardar
b) 12 labors of Hercules
c) Demosthenes challenge peraclitus
d) Captain America eat kryptonite

*** I was leaning towards the clock on Option A and Cthis question.

Thank you for your help. If you justify your answer with a link to that would be awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1) as Odysseus back when he thought he was dead. His wife was forced to choose between the candidates, and Oddie was disguised as a beggar, had a special bond and shot an arrow through 12 axes aligned on a table.

Then they killed all the other children, and they lived happily ever ....!

There is a section on Odysseus, but a little confusing.
The revelation is the most extreme type of politics.

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